A Void

(A song by Sidharth Vardhan,
first written on June 26, 2021)

They tell me I should laugh
They ask why I don't talk
The normal ones
They don't know it
They can't.

I have a void inside me
That I must fill
with words and noises
with shadows, songs, and 
tasteless distractions.

I feel it inside me
Beating and crawling
All sentience and no 
A Promethean vulture.
It gnaws my insides
Forever hungry 

Its never enough with it
This void inside me
A black hole stealing 
colors, light,
and that effortless 
lightness of things
which makes them smile
Those who know it not.

A bottomless pit inside my chest
It sucks me into itself
With an unrelenting constancy
And with a dark persuasion
it tempts me with desires
of becoming 
a forgotten part
of its almighty nothingness.
Copyright - Sidharth Vardhan
